
Alfred Émile Léopold Stevens (1823–1906)

Portrait of a Young Lady (Madame Brizat), 1906

 La femme et l'amour (L'amour qui vient), 1885

The Bath, 1867

Young woman in white reading, c.1860

The Visit,  Dallas Museum of Art

Portrait de jeune femme, c.1870

Woman in an Interior, c.1880

La Liseuse (The Reader), c. 1860

Girl in a white dress resting on a sofa

"The lady in yellow" or "Remember",  1863

The Porcelain Collector, 1868,  North Carolina Museum of Art.


Reverie, 1854

Young woman reading, 1856 

'Forgiveness', 1849 Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Fall, 1877

Autumn flowers, 1867

 A Duchess (The Blue Dress), c. 1866

Jeune femme tenant un livre, 1870

Mélancolie, 1876

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